Showing 1–12 of 36 results

Simao 2008 shu Gong Ting Xiao Bing Cha 150g

Plný a hutný, příjemně nasládlý tmavý pu-er z oblasti Simao oříškové chuti s tóny dřev. Zpracováno výhradě z nejvyšší tipsové kvality listu - Gong Ting.

Wu Liang Shan 2012 sheng Gushu Tuocha 100g

Lisované hnízdo zeleného pueru (shengpu) pocházející z hory Wu Liang Shan z jarní produkce roku 2012. Tmavě-žlutý hutný nálev výrazně ovocné vůně. Plná, ovocná chuť s nasládlým ovocným aftertastem. Stále velmi silný, ale již lehce vyzrálý a odleželý pu-er se skvělým potenciálem k dalšímu zrání.

Yi Wu Mahei 2015 Gushu sheng 200g

Loose (maocha) green (raw) puer from the high-altitude location of Shi Men Kan in the Ma Hei Mountains. The material is from more than 400-year-old tea trees (gushu).

Yue Guang Bai “White Moonlight”

"White moonlight" - known as 'white pu-erh' - a special green (sheng) pu-erh with a difference in processing, where the leaves are allowed to fade at night after harvest, instead of in the sun, as is usual in maocha. A large proportion of dull silvery, large hairy tips gives the tea an attractive appearance. The color of the infusion is yellowish and smells mostly of herbs with a little fruit. The taste is sweet, very complex and develops with each subsequent infusion, with a bit of bitterness gradually appearing and encouraging the distinctive flavors typical of green (sheng) pu-erhas.

Xiao Qing Gan 2009 Xinhui

Xiao Qing Gan / 小青柑 - doslova "malá zelená mandarinka". Původem z oblasti Xinhui / 新会, provincie Guangdong. Jedná se o puer, který byl naplněn do mandarinkové kůry.

An Cha 2021

Černý (tmavý) čínský čaj z provincie Anhui, podobný tradičnímu Lu An Hei Cha, avšak produkovaný i mimo původně vymezené oblasti. Tradičně lisován/pěchován do 250g bambusových košů (Sun Qiao). Čaj je v košíku vystlán a obalen širokým bambusovým listem (Ruo Ye), používaným v tradiční čínské medicíně. Je doporučeno čaj připravovat spolu s malými částmi obalového bambusoveho listu. Nálev jiskřivé, oranžovo-žluté barvy má intenzivní ovocné aroma s jemnou bylinnou stopou. Chuť je osvěžující, plná, sytě ovocná s pozvolně sládnoucím dozvukem.

Long Sheng 2006 shu Bing Cha 357g

Precizně zpracovaný pu-erh vyrobený z produkce 2006. Vůně čaje je plná a svěží, připomínající sladké čínské datle a zralé ovoce (Zao Xiang). Nálev je syté, plné chuti s nasládlými ořechovými až čokoládovitými tóny. V čaji chybí jakékoli známky zatuchlosti, trpkosti či kouřovitosti, jež jsou příznačné pro mladé a hlavně nekvalitně zpracované tmavé pu-erhy.

Bang Wai 2016 shu Bing Cha 357g

Bang Wai Shan 邦崴山: poměrně neznámá hora v okrese Fu Dong, Lan Cang s rozlehlými lesy starých divokých čajových stromů.

Pǔ’ěr chá / Pu`er Tea 普洱茶 (also spelled as Pu-erh, Puerh, P`u-er etc.) and Dark teas – 黑茶 (Hēi chá)

Pu`er tea, is a type of fermented tea that originates from Yunnan Province in South-Western China. It is named after the city of Pu’er (普洱市), which was a major trading center for tea during ancient times. Pu`er tea is made from the large-leaved variant of the Camellia sinensis plant (云南大叶). What sets this tea apart from other types of tea is its unique fermentation process. There are two types of Pu`er tea: raw / green Pu`er (sheng Pu`er 生普洱) and ripe Pu`er (shu Pu`er 熟普洱). Raw Pu`er tea undergoes a natural fermentation process over time, whereas ripe Puer tea undergoes an accelerated fermentation process through controlled microbial fermentation, called “wet pile” wodui渥堆. Pu`er tea is known for its earthy and woody flavour, with a rich and smooth taste. It is also highly appreciated for its health benefits, as described below. Pu`er tea is often stored for several years, with older teas being more expensive and highly sought after by collectors and tea enthusiasts.

Yunnan Da Ye 云南大叶, the big leaf tea is a variant of tea plant that grows predominantly in Yunnan province in South-Western China. Compared to other tea tree varieties, the Yunnan big leaf tea plant has several distinct features:

Leaf size: As the name implies, that Yunnan big leaf tea plant has larger leaves than other tea plants growing elsewhere. The leaves of the Yunnan big leaf tea plant can be 15-30 cm long.
Flavor: The Yunnan big leaf tea plant has a unique flavor profile, it tends to have a rich, earthy and/or woody flavor with hints of chocolate or malt.
Growing conditions: Yunnan big leaf tea plants are well-suited to the warm and humid climate of Yunnan province. They grow best at high altitudes (1200-1800 m), where the cooler temperatures slows down the growth of the tea leaves, resulting in a more complex flavor.

Health benefits:

Digestive health: Pu`er tea supports digestion by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, reducing inflammation in the gut, and regulating bowel movements.
Cardiovascular health: Pu`er tea has been linked to improved cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and the risk of developing heart disease.
Weight management: Pu`er tea has a certain effect on weight control by supporting metabolism and fat burning, as well as absorption of dietary fat.
Anti-inflammatory effects: Pu`er tea contains compounds that have anti-inflammatory effects, which may help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as arthritis and diabetes.
Antioxidant properties: Pu`er tea contains high levels of antioxidants, which help to prevent the body from oxidative stress and free radical damage.


Pu`er tea is a type of fermented tea that originates from the Yunnan province in South-Western China, where it has been consumed for centuries. Its history can be traced back to Tang 唐 dynasty (618-907), when tea cultivation in Yunnan province started.

During Ming 明 dynasty (1368-1644), pu`er tea became a popular commodity, and was traded along the famous “Tea And Horse Road” (in Chinese: cha ma gu dao 茶马古道), which was a network of trading routes connecting China with Himalayan regions resided by Tibetan-Burmese ethnics. This route was established to exchange tea (mostly pressed in cakes, brick, nests and other shapes) for horses. The tea was transported on people`s, mules`, yaks` and other animals backs. In 17th century, the production of pu`er tea was standardized by the tea merchants in the Yunnan province, who also developed a process for aging the tea to enhance specific flavor and aroma. This process involves allowing the tea leaves to ferment naturally over a period of several years.
In second half of 20th century, the production of pu`er tea underwent significant changes. In 1970s, the Chinese government began to invest in the tea industry, which led to the development of new production methods and techniques. One of the most significant changes was the introduction of a process called “wet piling”, in Chinese wo dui 渥堆 which involves fermenting the tea in large piles for several weeks and using heat and moisture to accelerate the aging process. The result is a dark, smooth and earthly tea.

In recent years, pu`er tea has also become increasingly popular in Western countries, as people have become more interested in its unique effects on human body, Pu`er tea is believed to have numerous health benefits , including improved digestion, cardiovascular health, and weight management.

Today, pu`er tea is still produced primarily in Yunnan Province, where it is revered as a traditional beverage and an important part of local culture. Pu`er tea is highly prized among tea enthusiasts and are considered to be among the finest and most unique teas in the world.