Showing 1–12 of 17 results

Xiao Qing Gan 2009 Xinhui

Xiao Qing Gan / 小青柑 - doslova "malá zelená mandarinka". Původem z oblasti Xinhui / 新会, provincie Guangdong. Jedná se o puer, který byl naplněn do mandarinkové kůry.

Long Sheng 2006 shu Bing Cha 357g

Precizně zpracovaný pu-erh vyrobený z produkce 2006. Vůně čaje je plná a svěží, připomínající sladké čínské datle a zralé ovoce (Zao Xiang). Nálev je syté, plné chuti s nasládlými ořechovými až čokoládovitými tóny. V čaji chybí jakékoli známky zatuchlosti, trpkosti či kouřovitosti, jež jsou příznačné pro mladé a hlavně nekvalitně zpracované tmavé pu-erhy.

Bang Wai 2016 shu Bing Cha 357g

Bang Wai Shan 邦崴山: poměrně neznámá hora v okrese Fu Dong, Lan Cang s rozlehlými lesy starých divokých čajových stromů.

Yi Wu 2006 shu Hong Kong

Čaj byl skladován ve vlhkém skladu v Hongkongu, takže je znatelně zralejší, než jiné čaje stejného stáří. Vůně je kvalitní "skladová" - tzn. je cítit mokré dřevo, zemitost, houby, avšak beze stop plísní. Chuť je výrazně "mokrá" - zemitá, ve které dominují tóny dřeva a hub, zabalené do hladké sladkosti. Přesto má čaj střední plnost. Doporučujeme milovníkům "zemitých" puerů.

Yong Zhen 2017 Zhuan Cha 250g

A dark Pu'er brick from the Lin Cang area from a proven manufacturer. Deep red color of the infusion, aroma of Chinese dates and nuts, pleasantly sweet taste. Very good price/performance ratio. The brick is suitable for immediate drinking and long-term storage.

Bu Lang 2016 Gong Ting Jin Zhen Bing Cha 100g

Full & dense, pleasantly sweet dark Pu'er of specific taste processed from the Golden Needles (Jin Zhen). Processed exclusively from the highest quality leave - Gong Ting.

Long Sheng 2005 Tuocha 100g

Excellent pu-erh made in the autumn of 2006. Precisely processed dark (shu) pu-erh from high-quality unmixed maocha. The aroma of the tea is thin, fresh, reminiscent of sweet Chinese dates and ripe fruit. The infusion is rich, full of flavor with sweet milky to chocolate tones. The tea lacks any signs of stale, bitterness or smokyness, which are characteristic of young and especially poorly processed pu-erhs. Delicious, very distinctive tea. Completely different from classical Chinese production. The return of the pu-erh legend from our archive.

Pu Erh Classic

Basic class of large-leaved Pu Erhu from the province of Yunnan in southern China. The dry leaves are large, hard, dark oily brown. The infusion is dark reddish-brown. The taste is distinctive and strong, aftertaste pleasantly sweet.

Pu Erh Superior

The upper class of Pu'er. The dry leaf is small, evenly rolled and belongs to superior. The scent is exactly what the right Pu'er should have, you can feel the freshness and sweetness of the Yunnan fruit trees. The taste is the sweetness of nuts, the sweetness of dried fruit, aftertaste is long, soft and pleasant. New batch of Meng Hai - in the dry leaf you can still find a 'new scent from production' which disappears after pouring and also naturally develops from the tea over time.

Manufacture process of ripe puer tea:

Withering: After the fresh tea leaves are harvested, they are spread out in the sun for a few hours to wither and reduce their moisture content. This process helps to make the leaves more pliable and easier to handle in the subsequent steps.
Piling: The withered tea leaves are then piled up in a controlled environment, usually in a large room with high humidity and temperature. The leaves are covered with a cloth or plastic sheet to retain moisture and heat, and left to undergo a natural fermentation process. During this process, microbes and enzymes present in the leaves break down the complex compounds, producing various aroma and flavor compounds.
Turning: The tea piles are regularly turned by hand to ensure even fermentation. The temperature and humidity levels are also monitored and adjusted as needed to maintain optimal conditions for fermentation.
Drying: Once the fermentation process is complete, the tea leaves are spread out on bamboo trays and dried in the sun or in a low-temperature oven. This helps to stop further fermentation and reduce the moisture content of the leaves to about 5%.
Sorting: The dried leaves are then sorted by hand or machine to remove any impurities or unwanted material. The leaves are also graded based on their size, shape, and quality.
Aging: Ripe Puer tea is often aged for several years, which helps to develop its flavor and aroma further. The tea is usually stored in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated place, such as a tea cellar or bamboo basket.
Pressing: The dried tea leaves are then lightly steamed and compressed into cakes, nests or bricks using a traditional or hydraulic press. The pressing step helps to compact the tea leaves.

Overall, the manufacture process of ripe Puer tea requires careful attention to detail and a deep understanding of the fermentation process. It is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, but the resulting tea is highly prized for its unique flavor and health benefits.

Health benefits:

Digestive health: Ripe Puer tea contains probiotics that can help improve digestion and promote gut health.
Cholesterol: Ripe Puer tea has been shown to help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the body.
Blood sugar: Ripe Puer tea can help regulate blood sugar levels, making it a good choice for those with diabetes or at risk of developing diabetes.
Anti-inflammatory: Ripe Puer tea has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body and improve overall health.
Antioxidant: Ripe Puer tea contains high levels of antioxidants, which can help protect the body against damage from free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.