Showing 1–12 of 21 results

Bi Tan Piao Xue

„Sníh padající na nefritově zelené jezírko“ – krásně poetický název skrývá jemný zelený čaj z jarní sklizně z oblasti Ze Rong ve Fujianu. Čaj byl ovoněn nejlepším podzimním jasmínem ve vysokém poměru 5:1 (na 1kg čaje bylo postupně použito 5kg jasmínových květů). Jasmínové květy jsou bohatě zastoupeny i v samotném čaji (přestože další aroma už nepřidávají – působí esteticky a dávají smysl poetickému jménu čaje). Čaj je výrazně jasmínově-nasládlé hebce ovocné chuti s bohatým aroma, které přetrvá mnoho zalití.

Yi Wu Mahei 2024 Xiaoshu sheng Bing Cha 200g

Koláč zeleného (raw) pueru z výroby podniku Song Pin. Sesbírán z přibližně 100 letých čajovníkových stromů (xiao shu). Ve vůni se snoubí čtyři profily - byliny, dřevo, ovoce a květiny, jejichž poměr se postupně proměňuje s každým nálevem. Chuť už ztratila klasickou puerovou čerstvost, naproti tomu už se vyvinula výrazná sladkost, která je doplněná stále ještě citelnou hořkostí a kyselostí. Ty se v průběhu let budou stále přeměňovat na sladkost a kulatost. Nálev je plný, středně lehký, s lehkou ovocností a dřevitostí. Čaj vydržel 12 nálevů, takže je vhodný k  celodennímu popíjení.

Huang Shan Mao Feng Ye Sheng

"Wild hairy peaks from the Yellow Mountains" - fresh richly tip green tea from the Yellow Mountains in Anhui Province. Infusion of soft green color, slightly herbal scent. The taste is fresh, fresh, sweetly herbal, sweetening on the palate.

Long Jing Shi Feng

"Lion's Top Dragon Well" - According to traditional Chinese view, the true Long Jing is supposed to have four characteristics (or four treasures) - a bright green color, a dense aroma, a saturated taste and a beautiful shape. Our Shi Feng has all these qualities in abundance. To better enjoy not only the taste, but also the look of this famous tea, we recommend using a glass teapot or tall glass to prepare it. The tea is watered with water around 80-85 ° C. Tea should be handled with care, it is better to prepare it softer to maintain its delicate rich aroma.

Long Jing Xi Hu

"Dragon Well from West Lake". Lake 'Xi Hu' is located near Hangzhou in eastern China. The monastery plantations around it were known from the time of the Classical Book of Tea by Lu Yüe (758 AD). Lung Ching belongs to spring teas and the best collection comes from the same period. The process of sorting, drying and roasting should be followed exactly for the production of real Lung Ching. The tea has flat leaves, a strong aroma and is sweet and beautifully fragrant in the infusion.

Mei Ren Lü

"Green Beauty" - an unconventional, yet delicious, green tea made from the same small-leaved cultivar (Qing Xin Da Mao) as the local version of the famous Taiwanese oolong Dong Fang Mei Ren. Experimental green tea that worked very well.

Meng Ding Si Bei Xiang

"The Scent of Four Cups", a popular and affordable green tea from the Meng Ding Mountains. The name of the tea derives its character with a beautiful, intense sweet aroma ... which is not all, because there are four aromas hidden in the tea, which manifest themselves gradually, with each infusion one of them, which dominates the cup, comes to the fore - hence 'aroma four cups'. Sparkling yellow infusion sharp, slightly astringent and strong taste with an intense floral-fruity trace on the palate and with a slowly fading slightly spicy aftertaste.

Lü Xue Ya

"Green snow" is a relatively new type of tea, which began to be produced in 2003. Longitudinally rolled leaves have an emerald color and a fresh green aroma. The emerald green infusion is full of dense, balanced and slightly baked taste in other infusions with a slightly sweet aftertaste. Tea can be prepared only in relatively cold water. The leaching time must then be extended to at least 7 minutes. You can easily prepare a delicious and refreshing 'ice tea' on hot summer days.

Yunnan Mao Jian Ye Sheng

Fresh aromatic green tea from the gardens high up on Wu Liang Shan Mountain (1670 m above sea level). Dark green uniform leaf with a noticeable proportion of silvery tips. The leaf has a fresh aroma with a trace of fruit, the infusion is sparkling yellow-green in colour, fresh and strong in flavour with a fruity hint and a typical trace of chestnut blossom aroma. The aftertaste in the other infusions sweetens pleasantly and the fruity taste stands out.  

Hua Cha Cui Ming

"Jasmine spring" - jasmine tea processed from Yunnan Cui Ming tea from the early spring harvest. Infusion of yellow color with intense jasmine aroma with a hint of fruit, fresh jasmine taste with a sweet fruity aftertaste.

Long Jing Da Fo #43

According to the traditional Chinese view, the real Long Jing should have four characteristics (or four treasures) - a bright green color, a dense aroma, a saturated taste and a beautiful shape. To better enjoy not only the taste but also the look of this famous tea, we recommend using a glass teapot or tall glass to prepare it. The tea is filled with water around 85 ° C. Tea should be handled with care, it is better to make it softer to maintain its delicate rich aroma.

Moli Tai Mu Long Zhu

Moli Tai Mu Long Zhu (Jasmine Dragon Pearls). Tightly completely hand-rolled regular balls of green tea tips, flavored with jasmine flower added in the drying process. The quality jasmine aroma lasts long after the tea is finished. Glass dishes will offer a beautiful view of the developing balls. They give a greenish fresh and strongly aromatic drink with a strong taste of jasmine combined with delicate green tea. The infusion has a light color. Compared to jasmine teas sold in regular stores, it does not have such a strong aroma. Jasmine rather underlines the tea notes, but does not overpower them. The tea tastes sweet, but the main flavor is more floral. It can be prepared for several infusions if we gradually increase the temperature.

Teas from organic gardens or from gardens maintained in a natural regime. All the teas listed here have either a Chinese organic certification (You Ji Cha) or a certificate from the German company CERES.