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Green tea very popular in Japan, which is more roast when processed (hence the dark color of the leaf), Bancha or Kukicha is used as a base. The tea has a slight hint of walnut in aroma and taste and is excellent for regular drinking and is also suitable for eating.

Long Sheng 2005 Tuocha 100g

Excellent pu-erh made in the autumn of 2006. Precisely processed dark (shu) pu-erh from high-quality unmixed maocha. The aroma of the tea is thin, fresh, reminiscent of sweet Chinese dates and ripe fruit. The infusion is rich, full of flavor with sweet milky to chocolate tones. The tea lacks any signs of stale, bitterness or smokyness, which are characteristic of young and especially poorly processed pu-erhs. Delicious, very distinctive tea. Completely different from classical Chinese production. The return of the pu-erh legend from our archive.

2000 Liu Bao Cha

A traditional, 'pressed' version of the famous Liu Bao Cha 六 堡 茶 tea from a small non-factory production. Full and refreshing unique taste, dark-transparent colors, complex aroma.