Cha Tou 2014
Simao 2023 shu Orijin Bing Cha 357g
Simao 2023 shu Orijin Tuo Cha 100g
Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong
"Lapsang Souchong", or "smoked tea". A traditional, handmade tea specialty from the Wu Yi Mountains of Fujian Province. Infusion very pleasant and strong, smooth, noble smoky taste with tones of dried fruit. The aroma of pine wood and needles, typical and desirable for this tea, is fully represented and harmoniously combines with the character of the tea as a whole, from which one can already recognize the authenticity and traditional production process.
An Cha 2023
Černý (tmavý) čínský čaj z provincie Anhui, podobný tradičnímu Lu An Hei Cha, avšak produkovaný i mimo původně vymezené oblasti. Tradičně lisován/pěchován do 250g bambusových košů (Sun Qiao).
Čaj je v košíku vystlán a obalen širokým bambusovým listem (Ruo Ye), používaným v tradiční čínské medicíně. Je doporučeno čaj připravovat spolu s malými částmi obalového bambusoveho listu.
Nálev jiskřivé, oranžovo-žluté barvy má intenzivní ovocné aroma s jemnou bylinnou stopou. Chuť je osvěžující, plná, sytě ovocná s pozvolně sládnoucím dozvukem.
Wu Yi Bai Cha Ye Sheng 2023 Orijin Tea
Bai Xue Long
"White Snow Dragon" - a beautifully processed white tea with an intensely sweet herbal aroma. The yellowish, sparkling infusion smells complexly of fruit and herbs. The taste is strong, sweet, without a trace of astringency.
It is one of the few newly produced white teas, which thanks to its high quality soon gained popularity not only in China but also in other countries.
Rou Gui Ji Pin
Da Hong Pao Ji Pin
Rarity authentic tea from the main maternal cliff with a straight pattern leaf. A great gift for connoisseurs - the real 'King of Teas'.
Processed according to traditional methods completely by hand, dried in a charcoal oven. The dry leaves are relatively small, the same size, the color is green-black, the surface is as shiny as coal.
The tea soup is clear, bright with a deep orange. The aroma and penetration of the tea soup will make you feel as if you have tasted your first cup. The taste is deep and sweet. After brewing a few times, the tea leaves become bigger and greener, and you can see the rich fluff and feel silky. After the fifth or sixth brew, fruity and faint orchid tones appear in the taste and aroma. Long aftertaste, honey floral fragrance.
Song Luo
Traditionally processed green tea directly from the famous Song Luo mountain in its higher elevations. The dark green even leaf curled into fine looser balls gives off a slightly smoked pleasant aroma. The color of the infusion is yellowish sparkling and completely transparent. The taste of the tea is very full, only lightly and very pleasantly smoked and yet very fresh and light as a breeze.