Simao 2023 shu Orijin Tuo Cha 100g
Ban Pen 2019 shu Dashu Bing Cha 357g
Simao 2023 shu Orijin Mini Bing Cha 56g
Small puerh cakes (minibing) from the Simao region of our own production. A dark brew with a sweet aroma, a complex, balanced and smooth sweet taste.
Ideal for travel, work, home, just about anywhere and for any kind of preparation from gongfucha to grandpa style.
Yi Wu Mahei 2015 Gushu sheng 200g
Yi Wu Mahei 2024 Xiaoshu sheng Bing Cha 200g
Green (raw) puer cake made by the Song Pin company. Harvested from approximately 100-year-old tea trees (xiao shu).
The aroma combines four profiles - herbs, wood, fruit and flowers, the ratio of which gradually changes with each infusion.
The taste has already lost the classic Puer freshness, on the other hand, a pronounced sweetness has already developed, which is complemented by still noticeable bitterness and acidity. These will continue to transform into sweetness and roundness over the years. The brew is full, medium-light, with light fruitiness and woodiness. The tea lasted 12 infusions, so it is suitable for sipping all day.
An Cha 2019 Mao Jian
A black (dark) Chinese tea from Anhui Province, similar to the traditional Lu An Hei Cha, but produced outside the originally defined area.
The tea comes in a box with a wide bamboo leaf (Ruo Ye) used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is recommended to prepare the tea together with small parts of the bamboo leaf.
The sparkling, orange-yellow infusion has an intense fruity aroma with a subtle herbal note. The taste is refreshing, full, richly fruity with a gradually sweetening aftertaste.
Meng Hai 2017 Fang Cha 81g
Premium dark Pu'er (shu) from a young Chinese company, which cares not only about modern and pleasing packaging, but also about the high quality and careful selection of the maocha used. The tea is pressed into an easily divisible form of tea chocolate (9x 9g).
The dark red infusion of the sweet aroma is smooth, full and ripe taste with nutty and woody tones, pleasantly sweet at the end.
Yue Guang Bai “White Moonlight”
"White moonlight" - known as 'white pu-erh' - a special green (sheng) pu-erh with a difference in processing, where the leaves are allowed to fade at night after harvest, instead of in the sun, as is usual in maocha. A large proportion of dull silvery, large hairy tips gives the tea an attractive appearance.
The color of the infusion is yellowish and smells mostly of herbs with a little fruit. The taste is sweet, very complex and develops with each subsequent infusion, with a bit of bitterness gradually appearing and encouraging the distinctive flavors typical of green (sheng) pu-erhas.
Xiao Qing Gan 2009 Xinhui
An Cha 2023
Černý (tmavý) čínský čaj z provincie Anhui, podobný tradičnímu Lu An Hei Cha, avšak produkovaný i mimo původně vymezené oblasti. Tradičně lisován/pěchován do 250g bambusových košů (Sun Qiao).
Čaj je v košíku vystlán a obalen širokým bambusovým listem (Ruo Ye), používaným v tradiční čínské medicíně. Je doporučeno čaj připravovat spolu s malými částmi obalového bambusoveho listu.
Nálev jiskřivé, oranžovo-žluté barvy má intenzivní ovocné aroma s jemnou bylinnou stopou. Chuť je osvěžující, plná, sytě ovocná s pozvolně sládnoucím dozvukem.