Dian Hong Jin Hou
Guangxi Dong Fang Mei Ren
Mi Lan Xiang
"Honey Orchid" - the most popular 'phoenix' in our offer. It attracts with its honey-orchid aroma with a distinctly sweet to honey, pleasantly full and round taste that warms it.
Compared to other 'phoenixes' from our offer, this one is more roasted with a dark orange infusion and a more pronounced aroma.
Ba Xian Xiang
"Eight Immortals"-It is said that in this tea you can find up to eight different aromas, namely eight aromas. But everyone usually feels only one or two more tones than others. The aroma of this tea is thinner, more permeable, and also has a rich sweetness. The aroma of fruits is reminiscent of apples, a little orchid, and many other fruits...
Holly (Ku ding)
Big-leaf holly (ku ding) is one of many holly trees (Paraguay, sharp-leaved, serrated, canary, precise, round, Altacraren, blue). It is an evergreen tree with a height of 20m. The leaves are green and uneven. The fruit is red and spherical. It has an anti-inflammatory, calming liver. It lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Yunnan Bai Mu Dan
'White Peony' - a sign of high quality is the natural shape of the leaves, the deep, glossy grey-green colour and the high proportion of 'bai hao' - white hairs from the tips.
The colour of the infusion is yellowish-amber, the aroma is floral. The flavour is smooth and at the same time full-bodied and round. Aftertaste is long and pleasantly sweet. The tea only needs to be steeped for a short time, it lasts for many infusions.
Song Luo
Traditionally processed green tea directly from the famous Song Luo mountain in its higher elevations. The dark green even leaf curled into fine looser balls gives off a slightly smoked pleasant aroma. The color of the infusion is yellowish sparkling and completely transparent. The taste of the tea is very full, only lightly and very pleasantly smoked and yet very fresh and light as a breeze.