Showing 25–29 of 29 results

Qi Zhong

A unique new type of oolong tea, rock tea, usually roasted, but still has a sweet and spicy aroma and taste with a clear aftertaste.

Shou Mei

Shou Mee, also known in the Czech Republic under the translation 'Eyebrows of a long age' - the basic class of white tea. Large yellow-green to light brown richly downy leaves, there are also a few thick leaves. Infusion of deep orange-yellow color with a typical aroma and taste of white teas - slightly herbal spicy to fruity with a strong aftertaste.

Gong Mei 2018 pressed 100g

"White chocolate" or pressed white tea Gong Mei from the spring production of 2018. Delicate fruity flavors and aromas of many infusions. The tea has already been pressed for easy portioning into 18 pieces of 5.5 g, just for one smaller teapot (200 ml).

Wu Yi Hong Cha

Slightly twisted, large, dark leaf with a delicate malt aroma, aromatic fruit after pouring. Golden-orange color, richly fruity, wildly sweet taste in many infusions. Processed from the wild cultivar Qi Zhong 奇种.

Tie Guan Yin King

Tie Guan Yin Wang or 'Royal', the upper class of the famous Iron Goddess. This variety has bright green leaves typically loosely rolled up, a floral-orchid aroma and a very delicate and flowery taste, with a long honey-sweet aftertaste.