Times are changing, so here we have the ‘Beauty’ from China, who can boldly compete with the Taiwanese ones. It comes from Guangxi Province, which is close to Taiwan in terms of climate. It is made from the small-leaved cultivar Qing Xin Da Mao / You – according to many sources of the best cultivar for the production of Dongfang Meiren teas. In addition, it was processed by Taiwanese producers with many years of experience.
Guangxi Dong Fang Mei Ren
Richly hairy leaves with a typical fruity to honey scent. Infusion of orange color, fruity aroma and full, complex sweet and developing taste.
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The dry leaves are dark in color and have a toasted and dark chocolate flavor. During the brewing process, the leaves are dark green. The tea soup is darker in color, balanced in taste, with a long-lasting sweet aftertaste, with a distinct floral fragrance. After the last cup of drinking, the floral-like sweetness lasts for a long time.
Holly (Ku ding)
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