Showing 37–48 of 49 results

Meng Ding Gan Lu

"Medovice" - první jarní sklizeň výjímečného a slavného zeleného čaje z hory Meng Ding. Čaj sestává pouze z drobných zakorucených pupenů a lístků s bohatým ochmýřením. Nálev světle žluté barvy plné a osvěžující chuti s výrazně sladkým a dlouze doznívajícím aftertastem. Gan Lu je v Číne velmi slavný a vyhledávaný čaj. Legenda praví že varieta čajovníku k jeho produci byla prvně kultivována budhistickým mnichem známým pod jménem Wu Li Zen. Poté co mnich dosáhl nirvány dali místní z okolí tomuto čaji přezdívku Xian Cha neboli čaj nesmrtelných. Pouze čaj z lístků sbíraných na zamlžených vrcholcích hory Meng Ding lze považovat za pravý.

Meng Ding Shi Hua

"Stone Flower" - an exceptional green tea from our plantations on Meng Ding Mountain. Careful collection, only the top buds with one small leaf. The first harvest of the year. Dry tea with an herbal dense aroma that literally spells. After watering, it softens and is pleasantly sweet, herbal to floral. The taste is full, round and smooth on the palate with a long, slightly spicy aftertaste.

Yue Guang Bai “White Moonlight”

"White moonlight" - known as 'white pu-erh' - a special green (sheng) pu-erh with a difference in processing, where the leaves are allowed to fade at night after harvest, instead of in the sun, as is usual in maocha. A large proportion of dull silvery, large hairy tips gives the tea an attractive appearance. The color of the infusion is yellowish and smells mostly of herbs with a little fruit. The taste is sweet, very complex and develops with each subsequent infusion, with a bit of bitterness gradually appearing and encouraging the distinctive flavors typical of green (sheng) pu-erhas.

Dian Hong Mao Feng


"Downy tip from Yunnan" - a high grade of red tea from the Meng Hai area.

The color of the infusion is orange-red. The aroma is sweet and intense with a typical aroma of dried apricots, malt and forest honey.

The taste is full, fruity-malty with a long-lasting sweet aftertaste. Pleasantly warming tea.

Yunnan Mao Jian Ye Sheng

Fresh aromatic green tea from the gardens high up on Wu Liang Shan Mountain (1670 m above sea level). Dark green uniform leaf with a noticeable proportion of silvery tips. The leaf has a fresh aroma with a trace of fruit, the infusion is sparkling yellow-green in colour, fresh and strong in flavour with a fruity hint and a typical trace of chestnut blossom aroma. The aftertaste in the other infusions sweetens pleasantly and the fruity taste stands out.  

Dian Hong Ye Sheng

"Wild Yunnan" - juicy red tea from wild tea trees of the Yunnan large-leaved variety. Thicker and larger leaves, fewer tips, but even more taste and infusion. Typical sweet aromas and intense fruit flavors with hints of malt and prunes or apricots.

Meng Ding Mao Feng

"Fluffy peaks of the Meng Ding Mountains" as can be translated the name 'mao feng', popular and used for many teas. It is usually used to emphasize the quality of the leaf used, when the hairy tops - buds and leaves - are abundant. Dark green, larger, regularly twisted leaf with a strong, sweet aroma. In the cup, it develops in a full, strong taste with slightly fruity, fresh undertones with an aromatic and long-lasting aftertaste.

Gui Hua

"Osmanthus" - Taiwanese oolong with the scent of osmanthus. There are several methods by which a similar tea aroma is achieved. Our Gui Hua is made by the traditional method. The infusion gives a yellow color with a thin scent full of osmanthus and citrus tones, slightly sour and refreshing, which will withstand many infusions.

Rose flower (mei gui hua)

Rose flower (mei gui hua) - cleanses and nourishes the skin, detoxifies, has an anti-inflammatory effect, nourishes the liver, improves eyesight, increases the body's overall defenses.

Jasmine flower (mo li hua)


Dried jasmine flower (moli-hua), Jasminum Sambac. It comes from China, from where it spread further to Arabia and Persia and from there to Europe. It is an evergreen climbing plant or shrub, which grows to a height of 0.5-3 m. According to Chinese medicine, it improves eyesight and promotes smooth menstruation.

Ren Shen Superior


"Ginseng oolong" - traditionally processed oolong, the leaves of which contain an extract from the root of Chinese ginseng. The aroma and taste of the tea is sweet, with slight pleasant baking with a sweet and distinctive aftertaste.

Tea could be of particular interest to lovers of Chinese medicinal herbs - thanks to the connection with ginseng, it helps the body better withstand physical and mental stress, as well as stress and other ailments.

Huang Da Cha

Tea with an intense aroma of sweet flowers with a hint of overripe bananas. Sweet and full of fresh creamy taste with hints of flowers and cinnamon. This year's harvest comes from younger leaves and higher gardens than last year, making the taste and aroma softer.