Tie Luo Han
"Iron arhat"-is one of the most famous rock tea in Wu Yi Shan area.
The dry leaves are dark in color and have a toasted and dark chocolate flavor. During the brewing process, the leaves are dark green. The tea soup is darker in color, balanced in taste, with a long-lasting sweet aftertaste, with a distinct floral fragrance. After the last cup of drinking, the floral-like sweetness lasts for a long time.
Set of five luxury rock teas
Qi Lan
Qi Lan "Rare Orchid"-one of the few newer oolong teas from Wuyi Mountain.
The larger leaves are usually scattered and exude a sweet floral fragrance. The dark yellow tea soup has a strong, sweet floral aroma, ripe fruit aroma to honey aroma.
Orchids full of orchid fragrance, with strong aroma and aftertaste.
Rou Gui Ji Pin
Da Hong Pao Ji Pin
Da Hong Pao King
Da Hong Pao
Qi Zhong
Wu Yi Mountains 武夷山in northern Fujian Province 福建 are famous for producing oolongs, which grow on mineral-rich bedrock. They are characterized by a high degree of oxidation and distinctive roasting, which is traditionally done on charcoal and gives the teas a distinctive character. At the same time, they have an unmistakable delicate floral scent and a trace of minerality (Yan Gu Hua Xiang). Thanks to strong roasting, they are suitable for long-term storage and it is better to drink them a little aged (half a year or more) when they are balanced. Undoubtedly, these are very charismatic and unforgettable teas.