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Fu Ding Matcha

Very finely ground Chinese matcha green tea from gardens in the Fu Ding area (known mainly for white teas). Tea can be used both in the Japanese tea ceremony of chanoju and for informal home preparation or for various culinary purposes. Only the highest quality green tea leaves are used for production, which are slowly ground in stone mills after drying. With the help of gentle processing, the tea retains all the healthy substances contained and a very fresh aroma and taste.

Bai Hao Yin Zhen

"White hairy silver needles" - the best and most famous Chinese white tea, which belongs to the list of the best Chinese teas ever. It first appeared around 1796. Young, richly hairy and large strong tips of the tea tree of the Fu Ding Da Bai Cha cultivar are used to produce this tea. Harvesting takes place only during a very short period in spring, and only in nice weather. The real Bai Hao Yin Zhen has all four valuables of Chinese tea really wonderful. Undeveloped buds of the same size, hairy like a willow. The scent of dry leaf has sweet tones of flower pollen, the freshness of the mountain wind and the sweetness of morning dew. The infusion is almond yellow to orange. The taste is clean, sweet, light and tender, with a thin spring energy.

The most fresh teas in our stock, up to three months.