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Meng Ding Jin Ya

"Golden shoots", luxury red tea of our production from the best gardens in Meng Ding Shan in Sichuan. The delicate, tiny, slightly spirally twisted leaf with the majority of golden tips gives off a pleasant, slightly floral-fruity scent in the dry state, which develops in full fruity tones after watering. The color of the infusion is rather orange with a hint of red. The taste is full, round and sweetly fruity with a long aftertaste. Exclusive red tea not only for connoisseurs!

Meng Ding Si Bei Xiang

"The Scent of Four Cups", a popular and affordable green tea from the Meng Ding Mountains. The name of the tea derives its character with a beautiful, intense sweet aroma ... which is not all, because there are four aromas hidden in the tea, which manifest themselves gradually, with each infusion one of them, which dominates the cup, comes to the fore - hence 'aroma four cups'. Sparkling yellow infusion sharp, slightly astringent and strong taste with an intense floral-fruity trace on the palate and with a slowly fading slightly spicy aftertaste.

Meng Ding Gan Lu

"Medovice" - první jarní sklizeň výjímečného a slavného zeleného čaje z hory Meng Ding. Čaj sestává pouze z drobných zakorucených pupenů a lístků s bohatým ochmýřením. Nálev světle žluté barvy plné a osvěžující chuti s výrazně sladkým a dlouze doznívajícím aftertastem. Gan Lu je v Číne velmi slavný a vyhledávaný čaj. Legenda praví že varieta čajovníku k jeho produci byla prvně kultivována budhistickým mnichem známým pod jménem Wu Li Zen. Poté co mnich dosáhl nirvány dali místní z okolí tomuto čaji přezdívku Xian Cha neboli čaj nesmrtelných. Pouze čaj z lístků sbíraných na zamlžených vrcholcích hory Meng Ding lze považovat za pravý.

Meng Ding Shi Hua

"Stone Flower" - an exceptional green tea from our plantations on Meng Ding Mountain. Careful collection, only the top buds with one small leaf. The first harvest of the year. Dry tea with an herbal dense aroma that literally spells. After watering, it softens and is pleasantly sweet, herbal to floral. The taste is full, round and smooth on the palate with a long, slightly spicy aftertaste.

Meng Ding Mao Feng

"Fluffy peaks of the Meng Ding Mountains" as can be translated the name 'mao feng', popular and used for many teas. It is usually used to emphasize the quality of the leaf used, when the hairy tops - buds and leaves - are abundant. Dark green, larger, regularly twisted leaf with a strong, sweet aroma. In the cup, it develops in a full, strong taste with slightly fruity, fresh undertones with an aromatic and long-lasting aftertaste.

Quality loose leaf teas with direct import from China, Taiwan, Japan, or other countries.