Showing 157–168 of 170 results

Cup with dragon


Large dark red-brown cup is from Yixing.

The dragon's head is exposed on one side, and the fish is floating on the other side.

Large cup with dragon – bright


Large brick red bowl is from Yixing.

The dragon's head is exposed on one side, and the fish is floating on the other side.

Packed in a decorative padded box.

Miska drak větší tmavá

Masivnější tmavá miska z kvalitního yixingu. Z jedné strany vykukuje hlava draka, z druhé pluje ryba. Baleno v ozdobné polstrované krabičce.

Yixing tea bowl with characters


The tea bowl is produced in Yixing and is decorated with Chinese characters.


Yixing tea bowl with sakura decorated


Large bowl is produced in Yixing and is decorated with sakura.

Yixing tea bowl with bamboo decorated


Large bowl is produced in Yixing and is decorated with bamboo.

Yixing tea bowl with shrimp decorated


Large bowl is produced in Yixing and is decorated with shrimp.


Yixing tea bowl with flowers decorated 2


Large bowl is produced in Yixing and is decorated with flowers.

Yixing tea bowl with calligraphy decorated 2


Large bowl is produced in Yixing and is decorated with calligraphy.


Yixing tea bowl with shrimp decorated 2


Large bowl is produced in Yixing and is decorated with shrimp.

Yixing tea bowl with lotus decorated 2


Large bowl is produced in Yixing and is decorated with lotus.


Yixing tea bowl with shrimp decorated 3


Large bowl is produced in Yixing and is decorated with shrimp.