Showing 13–24 of 83 results

Bai Mu Dan King

"Royal White Peony" - a great class of white tea. The colour of the infusion is yellowish-amber, the aroma is floral and delicate, reminiscent of the scent of peony. The taste is smooth as silk and at the same time full and round. Aftertaste is very long, pleasantly sweet. This year, thanks to a slightly different processing, which is growing in popularity, we can find a note known from aged white teas in the taste.

An Cha 2019 Mao Jian

A black (dark) Chinese tea from Anhui Province, similar to the traditional Lu An Hei Cha, but produced outside the originally defined area. The tea comes in a box with a wide bamboo leaf (Ruo Ye) used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is recommended to prepare the tea together with small parts of the bamboo leaf. The sparkling, orange-yellow infusion has an intense fruity aroma with a subtle herbal note. The taste is refreshing, full, richly fruity with a gradually sweetening aftertaste.

Huang Shan Mao Feng Ye Sheng

"Wild hairy peaks from the Yellow Mountains" - fresh richly tip green tea from the Yellow Mountains in Anhui Province. Infusion of soft green color, slightly herbal scent. The taste is fresh, fresh, sweetly herbal, sweetening on the palate.

Lü Bao Shi

"Green gem" - medium-sized leaves, carefully hand-shaped into small balls. Fresh green tea, pleasantly sweet, complex, long-lasting taste.

Chen Pi Shou Mei Fang Cha

Shou Mei, v Čechách také znám pod překladem 'Obočí dlouhého věku' - základní třída bílého čaje. Velké žlutozelené až světlehnědé bohatě ochmýřené listy, mezi nimiž lze najít i pár silných tipsů. Nálev je sytě oranžově-žlutavé barvy s typickou vůní a chutí bílých čajů - lehce bylinně květinovou až ovocnou se silnějším aftertastem. K tomu se přidává citrusově-svěží charakter mandarinky.

Shou Mei 2024 Xiao Bing Cha 100g

Shou Mei, v Čechách také znám pod překladem 'Obočí dlouhého věku' - základní třída bílého čaje, tentokrát slisovaný do menšího koláčku. Velké žlutozelené až světlehnědé bohatě ochmýřené listy, mezi nimiž lze najít i pár silných tipsů. Nálev je sytě oranžově-žlutavé barvy s typickou vůní a chutí bílých čajů - lehce bylinně květinovou až ovocnou se silnějším aftertastem.

Long Jing Shi Feng

"Lion's Top Dragon Well" - According to traditional Chinese view, the true Long Jing is supposed to have four characteristics (or four treasures) - a bright green color, a dense aroma, a saturated taste and a beautiful shape. Our Shi Feng has all these qualities in abundance. To better enjoy not only the taste, but also the look of this famous tea, we recommend using a glass teapot or tall glass to prepare it. The tea is watered with water around 80-85 ° C. Tea should be handled with care, it is better to prepare it softer to maintain its delicate rich aroma.

Long Jing Xi Hu

"Dragon Well from West Lake". Lake 'Xi Hu' is located near Hangzhou in eastern China. The monastery plantations around it were known from the time of the Classical Book of Tea by Lu Yüe (758 AD). Lung Ching belongs to spring teas and the best collection comes from the same period. The process of sorting, drying and roasting should be followed exactly for the production of real Lung Ching. The tea has flat leaves, a strong aroma and is sweet and beautifully fragrant in the infusion.

Dian Hong Jin Zhen

"Golden Needles" - an excellent variety of red tea from the Feng Qing area of Yunnan Province. The content of "Da Jin Hao" or "big golden tips" is about 60-70%. Richly hairy tips are evenly rolled. The color of the infusion is dark orange-red and remarkably clear. The aroma is more balanced and intense than in the Dian Hong Gong Fu class and you can smell the aroma of dried apricots, forest honey and peaches. The taste is very penetrating & delicate. The tea lasts many infusions, aftertaste persists in the mouth for a long time after drinking. Very good as a warming tea, which makes it especially suitable for drinking in the cold months of the year. For casual tea lovers, it does have euphoric effects.

Song Luo Ji Pin

A selection class of tea from Song Luo mountain, which is honored with the title "Green Gold" among the famous teas of China. The crystal-clear infusion is strong, slightly grassy and has a sweet taste of Chinese olives. Tea processed only from tips is strong, dense and contains a considerable amount of fine fluff. Not only does this tea have an excellent color, aroma and taste, but it also contains many substances that a person needs. According to research, it has a high content of vitamin C (up to 170 mg / 100 g), it also contains up to 17 types of amino acids, organic compounds and minerals that have both nutritional and healing effects. Song Luo is recommended primarily to support digestion, also helps remove fats from the body, relieves heat and can regulate the flow of life energy. It has often been prescribed for the treatment of high blood pressure, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, dysentery but also for the treatment of skin ulcers.

Mei Ren Lü

"Green Beauty" - an unconventional, yet delicious, green tea made from the same small-leaved cultivar (Qing Xin Da Mao) as the local version of the famous Taiwanese oolong Dong Fang Mei Ren. Experimental green tea that worked very well.

Meng Ding Si Bei Xiang

"The Scent of Four Cups", a popular and affordable green tea from the Meng Ding Mountains. The name of the tea derives its character with a beautiful, intense sweet aroma ... which is not all, because there are four aromas hidden in the tea, which manifest themselves gradually, with each infusion one of them, which dominates the cup, comes to the fore - hence 'aroma four cups'. Sparkling yellow infusion sharp, slightly astringent and strong taste with an intense floral-fruity trace on the palate and with a slowly fading slightly spicy aftertaste.