preparation: 2-3 leaves, 200ml, 100 ° C, 20/15/30/50 / 60s + in individual infusions
Holly (Ku ding)
Big-leaf holly (ku ding) is one of many holly trees (Paraguay, sharp-leaved, serrated, canary, precise, round, Altacraren, blue). It is an evergreen tree with a height of 20m. The leaves are green and uneven. The fruit is red and spherical. It has an anti-inflammatory, calming liver. It lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
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Qi Lan "Rare Orchid"-one of the few newer oolong teas from Wuyi Mountain.
The larger leaves are usually scattered and exude a sweet floral fragrance. The dark yellow tea soup has a strong, sweet floral aroma, ripe fruit aroma to honey aroma.
Orchids full of orchid fragrance, with strong aroma and aftertaste.
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Five-leaved ginseng (Jiao gu lan)
Ceratophyllum or Gynostemma is a climbing plant from the pumpkin family, which originated in southern China. Low temperature resistance to -15°C. In winter, the above-ground part disappears, but reappears in spring. It can also be planted in pots. This plant is sometimes called five-leaf ginseng or southern ginseng; it has nothing to do with real ginseng (Panax ginseng).