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Long Jing Da Fo #43

According to the traditional Chinese view, the real Long Jing should have four characteristics (or four treasures) - a bright green color, a dense aroma, a saturated taste and a beautiful shape. To better enjoy not only the taste but also the look of this famous tea, we recommend using a glass teapot or tall glass to prepare it. The tea is filled with water around 85 ° C. Tea should be handled with care, it is better to make it softer to maintain its delicate rich aroma.

Gou Qing

"Green hooks" - fresh green tea of a smaller leaf from Zhejiang Province, from the same gardens where some of our Long Jing teas come from, a great price / quality ratio. Thanks to our investment in modern equipment for processing rolled green tea, we can offer this at a very reasonable price.

Tian Mu Hong Cha

"Heavenly Red Tea" - fresh, aromatic fruit red tea from Tian Mu Mountain processed from the famous Long Jing cultivar # 43. The tea comes from the same gardens and production as our Gou Qing green tea introduced last year.