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Zi Juan Bai Cha

In 1985, scientists from the Yunnan Tea Research Institute discovered a tea tree with purple buds, leaves, and stems in

An Cha 2019 Mao Jian

A black (dark) Chinese tea from Anhui Province, similar to the traditional Lu An Hei Cha, but produced outside the originally defined area. The tea comes in a box with a wide bamboo leaf (Ruo Ye) used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is recommended to prepare the tea together with small parts of the bamboo leaf. The sparkling, orange-yellow infusion has an intense fruity aroma with a subtle herbal note. The taste is refreshing, full, richly fruity with a gradually sweetening aftertaste.

Ya Shi Dao Hua Xiang

An excellent tea with a traditional but not very tempting name - "The smell of duck droppings". The tea itself has one of the most amazing aromas that Dan Cong type teas can offer - delicious and full at the same time, charming, reminiscent of rice flowers, smooth and very sweet with complex floral tones and a long-fading aftertaste.

Wu Dong Tong Tian Xiang

Tong Tian Xiang, also known as Ginger Blossom Fragrance, is planted in Fenghuang Mountain in Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province. When this tea is brewed, the room is filled with an intense tea aroma that rises to the sky, hence the name Tong Tian Xiang (Tian = sky). Tong Tian Xiang tea has thick and slightly elongated leaves, dark brown and oily colour, full and multi-layered aroma. The infusion is golden and bright, slightly spicy with ginger blossom and a full, intense floral aroma. The tea can easily lasts over 12 infusions. The tea comes from selected smaller productions from the higher altitudes of Wu Dong Shan. Completely manually processed as well as carefully traditionally roasted - a very essential step in the processing of oolongs, which requires a lot of skill and experience.  

Dian Hong Mao Feng


"Downy tip from Yunnan" - a high grade of red tea from the Meng Hai area.

The color of the infusion is orange-red. The aroma is sweet and intense with a typical aroma of dried apricots, malt and forest honey.

The taste is full, fruity-malty with a long-lasting sweet aftertaste. Pleasantly warming tea.

An Cha 2023

Černý (tmavý) čínský čaj z provincie Anhui, podobný tradičnímu Lu An Hei Cha, avšak produkovaný i mimo původně vymezené oblasti. Tradičně lisován/pěchován do 250g bambusových košů (Sun Qiao). Čaj je v košíku vystlán a obalen širokým bambusovým listem (Ruo Ye), používaným v tradiční čínské medicíně. Je doporučeno čaj připravovat spolu s malými částmi obalového bambusoveho listu. Nálev jiskřivé, oranžovo-žluté barvy má intenzivní ovocné aroma s jemnou bylinnou stopou. Chuť je osvěžující, plná, sytě ovocná s pozvolně sládnoucím dozvukem.

Guangxi Dong Fang Mei Ren

Richly hairy leaves with a typical fruity to honey scent. Infusion of orange color, fruity aroma and full, complex sweet and developing taste.